Checkout Timeout
This is a sandbox project. It forces users to complete checkout within specified amount of time. If user do not complete checkout withing configured time, order will be removed from his cart.
This is a sandbox project. It forces users to complete checkout within specified amount of time. If user do not complete checkout withing configured time, order will be removed from his cart.
A module that allows Country-wise redirects for most countries, it comes with no dependancies.
This module provides a simple formatter for taxonomy terms to display the terms with a 'plus X more' effect, with the ability to the number of items and the associated message. For example, 'Dupal, Git + 3 more'.
Animate is an integration of animate.css, a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness.
Animate in sites/all/libraries/animate (can be downloaded from
Usage :
The CiviCRM Events Module pulls and displays CiviCRM events in a calendar using the Jquery Plugin fullcalendar.
The current version for D6 and D7 is tested with version 1.4.2 of fullcalendar.
Configurations Available
Currently the calendar settings available are:
Provides a Photowall (like Google) format for displaying images, using the JQuery Photowall plugin.