Event Calendar-Extension

Event Calendar Extension allows you to view all CiviCRM events in a calendar by month,day,week. The setting page allows us to select which events should be shown on calendar with the color we want for particular event type. Also the title for Event Calendar. 

Below are some extra functionality added in this feature :

1.Change the access_arguments for Event Calendar settings to allow only administrators to change the calendar settings, otherwise anyone can change.

2.Updated Event Calendar Extension to its new version , which is now compatible with updated version of CiviCRM (4.7.29).

3.Implemented settings framework for all config options.

4. Moved resource references to PHP (out of tpl) and into separate folders (js/css).



Note: To Download the updated version of Event Calendar Extension  click this link https://github.com/osseed/com.osseed.eventcalendar/releases/tag/2.0.